The Average Suburban Dad

My self-assigned spot of the internet where I wax lyrical about ... err ... stuff.

Sunday August 1, 2021

Post 9 / The Average Suburban Dad / 2021-08-01
2067 views. Last read: 16 hours ago.

This post was pulled from the archives after the web server went down.


How the fudge is it August already? For a year slowed down by a raging pandemic, it seems to be speeding up.

As I hoped yesterday, today I got to throw the 70-200 lens on the new camera as we headed to the local park. I love how the lens and the camera work together so much that the lens may never come off it. I want to try my 105mm 1.4 on the D850 before deciding which lens will be permanently attached. But as I said, I was very happy with how the 70-200 worked on the D850. The depth of the detail in this image is something I will never be able to explain properly but impresses me nonetheless.

I came across last night and for anyone who misses the old Google Reader, you’re welcome. Our RSS addiction can once again be sated. I know you’ll be wanting to add this website, so click the Add subscription button and enter in and you’ll be good to go!

That’s it for now. Talk to you soon.

Richard - The Average Suburban Dad

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