The Average Suburban Dad

My self-assigned spot of the internet where I wax lyrical about ... err ... stuff.

Sunday January 9, 2022

Post 122 / The Average Suburban Dad / 2022-01-09
361 views. Last read: 18 hours ago.

This post was pulled from the Wayback Machine archives after the web server went down.


Entry number 9 in the 365 Black & White Challenge is from an event I photographed last night. No. The drink was not for me. I don’t drink and even if I did, I would never drink on the job.

Today’s excursion was to a park to meet and hang with the children of my daughter’s class for 2022. They look like a fun bunch and I’m looking forward to more events where we can all hang out in a COVID safe way.

Speaking of horrible places to photograph (which I know I wasn’t, I just couldn’t think of a segue). Last night’s event was the 50th party for my contact’s husband in a bar called Bad Decisions. It was a very dark room with at least 12-foot ceilings which just happened to be painted black. Not conducive to bouncing a flash off the ceiling for nice even coverage. Needless to say, it took a little time to dial in the camera to the room.

And due to my recent procedure, which has me on a “no weight bearing” restriction for the next couple of days still, I went with my two Nikon Z6 cameras which are the lightest bodies I own, and extremely rare for moe, I only used one camera at a time. Luckily (depending on whose perspective) over half of the guests had pulled out last minute so I wasn’t rushing around to cover the room as much as normal.

Still a little tender this morning but thrilled I haven’t had to resort to painkillers at any stage.

Back to work tomorrow. I’ve achieved very little of what I’ve wanted to over the last 18 days, but I have had some downtime, so that’s a win.

Oh yeah, I nearly forgot, happy birthday to my now 20-year-old son!

Have a great day and I’ll see you in the next post.

Richard - The Average Suburban Dad

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