The Average Suburban Dad

My self-assigned spot of the internet where I wax lyrical about ... err ... stuff.

June 6, 2022

Post 243 / The Average Suburban Dad / 2022-06-06
432 views. Last read: 8 hours ago.

This post was pulled from the archives after the web server went down.


Entry number 130 for the 365 Black & White Challenge is a photo from a headshot session for my wife’s roller derby team.

365 Black & White Challenge – 130/365 This is my wife. She’s pretty … and a little scary.


Again … What a week.

After the epic weekend that had many MANY photoshoots, came the week that had many MANY germs and days away from work and school. Yep, all three of us had the dreaded “lurgi”. My wife and daughter are still suffering to different extents.

That’s not really exciting to read about it so I’ll shift to a story of manifestation.

On Wednesday night we all rugged up and drove to Ted’s Camera Store close to us so I could try a lens on my new camera. This is a lens I already have in the old format, but I was looking at the “native” version, made for the Nikon mirrorless range and able to take advantage of the new technology.

We arrived and I pulled out the camera and attached the demo lens to quickly try it out. I knew there would be a slight improvement but “Cheese and crackers” I didn’t expect the improvement I saw. OK, I should have expected it as it’s maximising the available technology but jeepers, the focus is incredibly fast and the lens is so flipping sharp.

Or in human speak. The lens acquires focus pretty quickly and has the potential to take really clear photos where the eyes are crystal clear.

So, to the manifesting …

The next morning, whilst feeling a little less than death warmed up I started googling prices in preparation for an anticipated tax return. I got to thinking how I’ve been wanting to reduce my camera kit a little to make it more mobile. Then I remembered Ted’s does an excellent trade-in thing that saves a lot of hassle when compared to Facebook Marketplace or eBay.

To cut a very long story short … 18 hours after I tried the lens I traded in a camera, the older version of the lens from which I was upgrading and the one lens I never thought I would ever part with … and $45 to become the proud owner of the new lens.

I’ve used it on a couple of shoots now and have absolutely no regrets, it’s an incredible lens and paired with the Z9, it’s a dream to use.

Proud of myself for letting go of the other stuff and allowing myself to grow photographically with the new.

Really looking forward to working with this combination of camera and lens at the upcoming tournament. I used this combination for the last third of the headshots I photographed for my wife’s roller-derby team.

If you’ve made it this far, as always, thank you for your time and your attention! I will see you for the next post.
