27 November, 2023
This post was pulled from the archives after the web server went down.
I've spent the last two days tinkering with the blog and grabbing a few posts from the Wayback Machine. I hope to bring them all back over during the next few months, but as I never seem to have as much time as I would like to do anything, it may take a while.
Just a quick one today as I prepare to hunker down and write some other code as a reward. A reward, I hear you ask? yes. I had to edit and publish one roller derby bout before I was allowed to do some coding. This is how my brain works.
Today's photo is from a local festival we attended on Sunday night. My daughter (who is a lot bigger than my previous regular readers will have seen her) was enjoying a silent disco and I took the opportunity to whip out the Z6ii and snap a few photos. Got some great photos of M dancing away but, I'm pretty sure I'm never allowed to publish those.
Enjoying the nerding out with this blog and will one day write a post about how clever it is to do everything it does without needing a database.
But for now, if you want to "comment", there's no way to do so. I might need to create an email address especially for the blog. And yes, I've already fired up my domain registrar of choice ... the @theaveragesuburbandad.com is way to long to type when you have a comment you're busting to share!
Update: Read the bit below about how to comment. :)
Thanks, as always for your time and attention, both very rare commodities in this fast paced world. I really appreciate it.
Richard - The Average Suburban Dad
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