The Average Suburban Dad

My self-assigned spot of the internet where I wax lyrical about ... err ... stuff.

Saturday 24 July, 2021

Post 1 / The Average Suburban Dad / 2021-07-24
632 views. Last read: 3 days ago.

This post was pulled from the archives after the web server went down. Hello!

If you are reading this, you may be wondering who I am.

I just turned 50. “Age is but a number,” they say. This is true, it’s just that 50 happens to be a rather large number.

I have a 19-year-old son (who will be referred to as Master 19) who lives with his mother and a daughter, Miss Four who lives at home with me and Mrs ASD.

My work life kind of revolves around three things, IT (mainly in the ecommerce website realm), music, and photography. I’ve been fortunate to, at one time or another, have worked full-time in all three fields. Currently, my primary income derives from IT but I am a photographer on the side.

This website will encourage me to get out more with one of my multiple cameras. I will definitely write more about this subject later. The presentation of the photographs will evolve as the urges change or if I’m presenting a client photograph. But, as before mentioned, the aim is to treat this as a place to share some of my photography.

This website will also flex my writing muscles as I believe I am far more eloquent in written form. In the beginning, the posts will be shorter and more retrospective and posted more frequently until I get to real-time when I hope to post once per day. But I look forward to being able to look back on the writing and images and remember the times.

Thanks for joining me on this adventure as I document what can only be referred to as “Act 2” of my life.

