The Average Suburban Dad

My self-assigned spot of the internet where I wax lyrical about ... err ... stuff.

1 January, 2024

Post 261 / The Average Suburban Dad / 2024-01-01
1327 views. Last read: 1 day ago.

Data. Oh, how I love thee. Let me count the ways. I can, because I have the data.

Being the first day of a new year, I'm embarking on a bit of a thing. That thing being data collection. I have six pages of things I'm tracking in January alone, from the amount of Coke (No Sugar) I inhale through to what things we bought for our daughter for when she inventively complains of being neglected.

I was very excited to see my online bullet journal software didn't crap itself when it not only ticked over a new day, but month and year as well. I'd like to lock down a few things down and maybe open it up for others, but it is nowhere near there yet. That's a future me problem.

The first day of the year was a pleasant one with only the occasional thoughts of how life was before having a seven-year-old daughter sneeking past my defences. I'm working on being a better dad and husband (and in my defence started this before today!) to my girls and look forward to seeing how that goes.

I emptied all the derby & client photo galleries today and got things setup for 2024. It's going to be a big year for my derby photography and even though I don't shoot for the money, I'm looking forward to beating last year's impressive total.

It's a very dysfunctional post today with thoughts randomly fighting their way through to my fingers. Will try to be more cohesive in the future, where, as all bloggers say, I will try to post more. I wanted to get the camera out today to shoot a photo to accompany this post, but that somehow didn't happen.

Two days of annual leave remaining before I'm back to work.

Thanks, as always for your time and attention, I really appreciate it.

Richard - The Average Suburban Dad

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