The Average Suburban Dad

My self-assigned spot of the internet where I wax lyrical about ... err ... stuff.

Friday April 26, 2024

Post 266 / The Average Suburban Dad / 2024-04-26
730 views. Last read: 1 day ago.

I've tried all manner of diaries, both digital and paper-based. I've tried nearly all the commercially available to-do apps. I've tried relying on my memory; the less said about that, the better.

I keep coming back to a variation of the bullet journal method.

So I’m using my latest start at writing shit down to bring writing back into my daily activities.

Hopefully, this will reinvigorate my writing juices and hold me accountable to get things done.

The photo is my new book. I’ve decided not to wait until the beginning of a week, month or even day to start. I went to Officeworks at lunchtime and paid for the notebook and pen in cash, and huzzah! We have begun.

I will cover the back, front, and inside with stickers and write stuff on it. Hopefully, it will remind me of what I need to do and roughly what order to do.

It will also prompt me to ramble about things here on the blog. Is blog even a used word anymore?

Here are a couple of things I’m liking at the moment:

Threads Threads is currently (and long may it remain so) the nice version of X. The overall vibe is much nicer than X, and the people even give the appearance of being more real. Of course, I am aware that it has just as much chance of being as fake as anything online, but for now, I am happy to remain blissfully ignorant.

NCIS I’m currently seven years behind. With this in mind, I’ve decided to watch the series from the start so as not to miss out on anything when I start watching the previously unwatched episodes.

The newest season of The Circle has launched, and my household is all for it. An interesting twist is that one of the contestants is an “Open Source AI” chatbot. This is a great idea and has proved entertaining. A less great idea is the fact the other contestants were told of the existence of the AI. This has made it less fun. More on the Circle later.

Yesterday (April 25) was ANZAC Day. The day we remember those who have served, those who died on the battlefield and those who have since past on. I performed at the Shrine of Rememberance with a 38 member strong band made up of members from various bands, providing muisc when there were no bands around. It’s a long gig but well worth the effort. It is sad to see the number of actual veterans diminish each year but heartening to see the numnber of spectators.

I went to photograph yesterdays entry in the book only to realise it’s at home (where I am currently, not). Bugger. That’s a good start, isn’t it?

Thanks, as always for your time and attention, I really appreciate it.

Richard - The Average Suburban Dad