The Average Suburban Dad

My self-assigned spot of the internet where I wax lyrical about ... err ... stuff.

1 December, 2023

Post 258 / The Average Suburban Dad / 2023-12-01
971 views. Last read: 18 hours ago.

December 1. How is it we are already at the pointy end of the year?

It seems like yesterday it was the beginning of November, and I was complaining about that too.

But with the 1st of December comes the first of my Christmas tshirts. I haven't counted yet, but I think I'm almost at the amount that I can wear each one once before Christmas. I've trialled a few of the new ones at carefully selected times over the last two weeks, but now I wear them daily, even to work.

I don't know why I like wearing them so much, but it brings me joy. And as December is the month that is supposed to be full of said joy, I'm happy to add my little bit.

Thanks, as always for your time and attention, I really appreciate it.

Richard - The Average Suburban Dad

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