The Average Suburban Dad

My self-assigned spot of the internet where I wax lyrical about ... err ... stuff.

28 January, 2024

Post 263 / The Average Suburban Dad / 2024-01-28
987 views. Last read: 12 hours ago.

Whilst looking through the books at our local Savers store, I stumbled across something which I though could be fun. A book called "101 Fun Personality Quizzes".

I'm sure this tome of scientific research and years of peer review will provide valuable insight and deep psychological analysis into the depths of my being.

Flicking through, the books, it appears as if it is geared to wards the youger feminine reader, so that should be right up my alley as a fifty plus Aussie bloke.

At the very least, it might be a bit of fun.

I look forward to delving into the tests are sharing the results with my own analysis. Stay tuned for some interesting content.

As an aside, I've spent some time in the Internet Archive and managed to retrieve the following blog posts:

Thanks, as always for your time and attention, I really appreciate it.

Richard - The Average Suburban Dad

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